How to generate relevant content for your eCommerce

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

We are in the age of content! We all want to post something relevant, impactful that will help improve the lives of our customers.

But many people get discouraged and stop working with this strategy because as the results are not immediate, they believe that it is not worth focusing on content marketing, as it will not help to boost sales.

But what would you think if we told you that our 4th Content Marketing Study in Latin America and Spain showed that content is working in our region and that more than 70% of respondents said that they use it as part of their marketing strategy?

Content marketing is a fundamental part of digital marketing strategies, and, for marketers working with eCommerce, this is no different.

So, if you’re trying to create content for your eCommerce, keep in mind some of these tips to increase the chances of success when generating more qualified traffic.

·  Start thinking about your customers.

The best source for creating content with real value for potential customers is an inspiration from your customers.

Let’s put it in context: normally, B2B companies will spend a lot of money on surveys to find out details about who is their potential customer. To identify their target, they create a buyer persona, a semi-fictional profile that they can use to learn more information than the socioeconomic and demographic data.

For B2C companies, it can represent the same opportunity as for B2B, especially since they can know personal details about what customers expect to find in their virtual store.

Unlike B2B businesses, you should pay a little more attention to demographic data, as suggested by the study of traditional audiences, because interests, tastes, time zone, among other things, can change according to each region, and, of course, this information will help you create more personalized content.

To create a buyer persona and understand your customers in depth, pay special attention to these recommendations:

1.- Market research and competition (you should never ignore this aspect). Sometimes, taking a look at what’s going on around, you can be more helpful than you think.

2.- Social media and the online community in general.

3.- Analysis service; you should always measure the results of your marketing actions. For instance, your Email Marketing service should offer resources so that you can measure the results of your campaigns. Can you imagine the amount of relevant information you could obtain if you always analyze the results of all your strategies?

Take a break to understand your goals and indicators that will help you clarify the role of content.

· Take a break to understand your goals and indicators that will help you clarify the role of content.

It is likely that you started your virtual store some time ago and subsequently decided to include a strategy for generating content for your eCommerce.

On the other hand, we know that the objectives of any eCommerce are always linked to the increase in the number of orders, that is, more customers buying and, therefore, closing each month with an obvious increase in sales.

Now, at this point, it is good to ask yourself: how could content marketing help me with that?

It is not just about implementing a Content Marketing strategy and believing that this will be enough to help you achieve all of your goals. This is only part of the process; you will need to do a lot more to improve your sales.

When you understand who your target audience is, how you can help them by generating content and, at the same time, add points that will help you meet your goals, believe me, you will be creating useful content for your visitors.

But you must understand the role of your content marketing strategy. For example, suppose your initial goal is to increase traffic, and you are posting content to attract visitors. After publishing a few articles, you noticed that the number of visitors increased; but how can you tell if they are accessing your site to read the content you posted?

Be sure to review the indicators to analyze the impact of your content strategy.

Don’t forget: Goals + KPIs to measure it. 

Reviewing the indicators that help determine the impact your content is having will help to improve or change your strategy, if necessary.

Work with multiple channels to see which one will work best.

· Work with multiple channels to see which one will work best.

In many cases, the problem is not with the quality of the content, but with the channel where it was published.

When you measure the results of the first actions, pay attention to identify the channel that brought the best result.

For example, for an eCommerce, the content sent by email works a lot, because it is generated only after the customer shows interest in receiving more information.

· Understand your sales funnel

As an online marketer, we’re sure you know that not all of your customers buy the same way; some go straight to the point, buy and leave, some leave the products in the cart and return after a while, while other people start the process only after consuming content on the site.

Also, they all have different intentions and are at various stages of the sales funnel. For each phase, the content must be different. The recommendation, therefore, is to segment the content to make it attractive to everyone.

There is a sales funnel model recommended by Hubspot: TOFU, MOFU, BOFU, each to represent where your potential customer is in the sales funnel: discovery, consideration, and decision, respectively.

If you understand where your prospect is in the sales funnel, you can offer more relevant content to drive conversions.

Did you think about posting content created by your users?

· Did you think about posting content created by your users?

There is nothing more attractive and likely to go viral than user created content. Although it is recommended that you think about this after you already have a recognized brand in the market, this could be a valuable option for generating engagement.

Remember that it is a format that is being used by all industries, but even more so by B2C companies.

Also, don’t forget that creating content doesn’t just mean posting an article on your blog (which obviously helps you reach your goals) or posting product photos on social media. You must work with different media, wherever your buyer is.

Whatever you do, always think about personalizing your content, it will be the only way your potential customers will find it attractive.

Emanuel Olivier

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