Anchor text
anchor text. What is Anchor Text?
Anchor text is the text that is displayed when you link (hyperlink) to another web page.
An Anchor Text offers a brief description of the content to which it links so that, before clicking on it, the user knows the type of information that they will find when clicking on it (since links are relevant as a source of additional information for visitors).
Anchor texts are commonly used in SEO strategies, with the aim of ranking pages based on a specific keywords, which is a conventional linkbuilding strategy.
1. Anchor Text, HTML
The HTML structure of an anchor text is extremely simple, and is as follows:
<a href="https://enlace_al_que_llevará_tras_pulsar"> Texto sobre el que pulsar o texto ancla </a>
2. Types of Anchor Texts
Depending on the text used to create the Anchor Text that will lead visitors to the content, different types of Anchor Text can be distinguished.
- Branded, where the text used for the Anchor Text is the domain name or brand name itself. For example: Mailrelay
- Naked, where the destination of the link is visible without the need to click on it, since the Anchor Text is the same as the URL address. For example:
- Generic or CTA, in which the Anchor Text makes use of very little concrete words and doesn’t offer much information about where it links to. Its common use is to incite the user to take action (Call To Action). Example: You can find more content by clicking here.
- Keyword, a single word or phrase which will be used to link to the destination URL (to improve your SEO strategy). For example: email marketing or mass mailing.
- Long tail, this is an Anchor Text in which a variation of the desired keyword is used (it has more words) and its purpose is to take advantage of more specific search queries. For example: Quickly improve your mass mailings with our email marketing software.
- Branded plus keyword, it is an Anchor Text where the desired keyword is used in conjunction with a brand, they are considered quite natural links and in principle give good relevance. For example: Email Marketing with Mailrelay.
- Synonyms, this type of Anchor Text makes use of synonyms of the word or keyword for which it is intended to gain ranking. Example: Sell more with your mass mailings, you only need our email marketing service.