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Scam, what it is and types of scams

If you don’t know the word scam, you probably know these variations, fraud or to swindle.

In the context of internet and digital marketing, a scam refers to fraudulent schemes or tactics used to deceive people.

And thus obtain illicit benefits, either financially or in the form of personal information.

These scams can be created in a variety of ways, such as through fake websites, misleading emails, suspicious text messages and malicious applications.

Types of Scams

Some of the most common types of scams in the digital world include the following:


One of the most common forms of scams.

Here, scammers send emails pretending to be from legitimate organizations, such as banks or well-known companies.

The aim is to trick the recipient into providing sensitive information, such as passwords or bank details.


A variant of phishing that uses SMS instead of emails. In these cases, the recipient is asked to click on a link or respond with personal information.

Investment scams

These promise large returns with little or no risk.

They usually require the victim to invest money initially, but in reality, there is no real investment and the scammer takes the money.

Scam and email marketing

So how does scamming relate to email marketing?

Quite simply.

As email marketing has grown in popularity, scammers have seen an opportunity to infiltrate users’ inboxes.

Using phishing techniques, they create emails that look legitimate, but actually have ulterior motives.

It is essential that companies using email marketing to communicate with their customers ensure that they follow ethical and transparent practices.

To avoid being confused with these malicious actors.

In addition, educating users on how to spot and avoid these scams is crucial.

Scam and SMS Marketing

Like email marketing, SMS marketing can also be a vehicle for scamming, especially through SMiShing techniques.

These fraudulent messages can appear as alerts from a banking institution, exclusive offers or even as notifications of contest winnings in which the recipient never participated.

Companies using sms marketing should be cautious when sending messages.

Making sure that their messages are clear and easily identifiable as legitimate.

A best practice is to use a recognizable sender and avoid suspicious links.

How to protect yourself from Scams

Fortunately, there are several steps that both individuals and businesses can take to protect themselves from scams:

  • Education and awareness: Knowing the common types of scams and how they work is the first step to avoid becoming a victim.
  • Verify sources: Before clicking on links or providing information, it is essential to verify the legitimacy of the source. For example, if you receive a suspicious email from your bank, contact them directly through official means to confirm its authenticity.
  • Use security solutions: Antivirus software and email filters can help detect and block malicious content.
  • Be skeptical: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

In summary, while the term scam may seem alarming, education and adoption of good practices can help businesses and users.

The key is to be informed, be cautious and always prioritize the protection of personal and financial information.