Abuse and anti-spam Policy

MAILRELAY, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy against SPAM. We strongly believe that any communication sent, whether by email or other means, must be legitimate and explicitly accepted by its recipients. We actively promote this belief and take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with current data protection and electronic communications regulations.
We expect our customers to follow basic but strictly mandatory rules when using our products and services. It is essential that you read and accept these rules before creating an account and starting to use our service. Failure to comply with this abuse and anti-SPAM Policy may result in the immediate suspension of your account and/or restriction of access to certain services to protect the reputation and efficiency of our platform.

Definition of SPAM and Recipient Consent Policy

MAILRELAY, we consider SPAM to be any unsolicited message sent without the explicit consent of the recipients. Purchased, rented, or unauthorized lists are strictly prohibited. You may only send messages to users who have given informed consent and confirmed their subscription through a double opt-in process.

Essential rules you must follow

  • You may only send emails to recipients who have requested to receive your newsletters or communications.
  • You must be able to provide proof of consent for each of your contacts at any time.
  • All emails must include a visible and easy-to-use unsubscribe link.
  • Recipients must be able to easily unsubscribe from communications, and you must respect their decision immediately.

Abuse Cases and Service Cancellation Causes

MAILRELAY, we take a clear stance against service abuse. Any violation of the following rules may lead to the indefinite cancellation of the service:

  1. Use of free accounts:
    • A customer may only have one free account, even if they have several domains.
    • If a customer upgrades to a paid plan, they cannot maintain an additional free account.
  2. Registration conditions:
    • Accounts registered with free hosting or email are not allowed.
    • Accounts with newly registered domains or those with multiple extensions of the same domain are not accepted.
    • Registrations without a visible corporate website with a privacy policy in accordance with regulations and real contact details will be grounds for cancellation.
  3. Improper use of free accounts:
    • Free accounts cannot send campaigns on behalf of other domains.
    • Two free accounts cannot send the same newsletter. If several domains send the same newsletter, it will be considered abuse, and all associated accounts will be canceled.
  4. High SPAM rates:
    • When SPAM reports are high and result in the blocking of the outgoing IP.
  5. Excessive bounces:
    • If the number of bounced emails exceeds 25%, it will be considered misuse of the service and grounds for cancellation.
  6. Prohibition of multilevel marketing:
    • Multilevel or pyramid business accounts are not accepted, nor are unregulated activities or those promoting illegal products or services.
  7. Compliance with data protection regulations:
    • Recipients of campaigns must have given their consent through a double opt-in process, ensuring that there is no identity theft and that databases comply with anti-SPAM and data protection regulations.
    • If it is detected that recipients have not given explicit consent, the account may be immediately blocked.

Prohibited Content and Industries

MAILRELAY, we do not allow the use of the platform for the following activities or content:

  • Phishing, fake news, illegal or unregulated activities.
  • Counterfeit products, software piracy, or dangerous materials.
  • Hate speech or any form of language that promotes violence.
  • Sending messages that violate anti-SPAM laws such as CAN-SPAM, GDPR, LGPD, or CASL.
  • Activities related to pyramid schemes, “get rich quick” promises, offers to make money passively or effortlessly, miracle diets, or work-from-home schemes without effort.
  • Services related to forex trading, loans, debt collection, financial packages, cryptocurrencies, or ICOs.
  • Sending explicit sexual content or promoting sexual acts in exchange for compensation, drugs (including legal ones such as alcohol or tobacco), gambling, casinos, and other games, clairvoyance, divination, esotericism, astrology, and weapons (including non-firearms).

Penalties for Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with this Anti-SPAM Policy may result in penalties, including the immediate suspension of the account or restriction of services to protect our shared infrastructure and ensure the quality of our services for all customers.