Mailrelay’s bulk SMS platform: your best ally in marketing

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Mobile marketing has emerged as an indispensable tool for increasing company sales.

SMS is one of the undisputed stars of this revolution.

But why has this technique gained so much prominence?

And how can Mailrelay, your trusted bulk SMS platform, be the catalyst that propels your marketing strategy to new horizons?

Join us on this journey where we explore the evolution of mobile marketing and the critical importance that SMS has in contemporary marketing strategies.

What is Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS is nothing more than a communication strategy that allows you to send the same SMS message to a large number of recipients simultaneously.

But this process goes far beyond a simple transmission of information.

Bulk SMS becomes a powerful and direct connection tool, giving companies the opportunity to reach their customers in a more personal and effective way.

In a world flooded with information, bulk SMS stands out for its immediacy and high open rates, being an option that guarantees that your message will not only be received, but will be read.

What is a Bulk SMS Platform?

What is a Bulk SMS Platform?

A bulk SMS platform is basically a tool that facilitates large-scale communication through text messages.

This service is especially valuable for companies, as it allows them to establish direct, fast and effective contact with a vast base of customers or users.

One of its great advantages is that messages (SMS) sent through this method usually have very high open rates.

Which means your message is very likely to be read.

The evolution of mobile marketing

The evolution of mobile marketing

Not many years ago, marketing strategies focused primarily on traditional media:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • and written press

But as you well know, times have changed drastically.

In the digital age, cell phones have become a ubiquitous tool in our lives, which has led to a revolution in marketing techniques.

From the first SMS messages to the most sophisticated mobile applications, mobile marketing has undergone an unprecedented transformation.

Businesses can now connect with their customers using more direct and personal channels.

In this context, Mailrelay’s bulk SMS platform emerges as a very useful tool, allowing companies to reach their customers effectively, quickly and without intermediaries.

The importance of SMS in today’s marketing strategy

Despite the proliferation of various messaging platforms, SMS continues to occupy a privileged place in the mobile marketing scenario.

Its simplicity and accessibility make it an exceptionally effective tool for reaching a wide audience.

SMS offers several important advantages:

  • A higher open rate
  • Almost immediate delivery
  • And more personal and direct contact with the customer.

Furthermore, this method allows companies to maintain constant contact with their customers.

Sending notifications, promotions and news that encourage loyalty and commitment.

At Mailrelay we offer the ideal platform for you to make the most of these advantages.

Our bulk SMS platform is designed to facilitate fluid and effective communication, helping you build strong, lasting relationships with your customers.

Mailrelay Bulk SMS Platform: An Overview

Mailrelay Bulk SMS Platform: An Overview

Mailrelay includes bulk SMS and email marketing services that you can combine into your online marketing campaigns.

Who we are

Mailrelay is a company with roots in Spain that has continually grown to become a global entity that provides services to customers in several countries.

Over the years, we have expanded our offer, which goes far beyond email marketing.

Today we are proud to have:

  • An email marketing tool with the largest free account
  • SMTP Services and API
  • A bulk SMS Platform
  • and a landing page tool

Tools developed to complement and improve your marketing strategies, with a focus on efficiency and personalization.

With these tools you can build lasting relationships with your customers and promote the sustainable growth of your business.

Why choose Mailrelay

You will be able to take advantage of our experience of more than two decades in the email marketing and digital marketing sector.

How can you take advantage of our experience?

Above all, in two ways:

  • Using a platform built on years of experience
  • Through our specialized support team. You will always receive support from real people.

Additionally, you will be able to use the largest free email marketing account:

  • Send up to 80,000 emails per month
  • For a list of up to 20,000 contacts

The size of your budget for marketing campaigns doesn’t matter.

Through this free account, you will be able to create your email marketing campaigns.

Highlighted Features of our Bulk SMS Platform

Highlighted Features of our Bulk SMS Platform

Always focusing on simplicity, which helps you save time, we have maintained the features that make SMS marketing campaigns a success.

Among the most notable ones, we can find:

Easy to use

We know that in the business world every minute counts.

For this reason, we designed our bulk SMS platform with a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface.

We want you to save time and that’s why you’ll find that our platform facilitates intuitive navigation, allowing you to set up and send campaigns with just a few clicks, saving you time and effort.

Integration with email marketing services

At Mailrelay we understand that a successful marketing strategy doesn’t depend on a single tool.

That’s why our bulk SMS platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with our email marketing services.

This way you can create joint campaigns without complications.

This integration not only facilitates the management of your marketing strategies, but also allows for more fluid and effective coordination between your different communication channels.

Advanced contact segmentation

An effective marketing strategy is one that reaches the right audience.

Our platform offers advanced tools to segment your contact base, allowing you to target your messages to specific groups based on various criteria.

Like demographics or purchasing behavior.

This advanced targeting ensures your messages are relevant to your recipients, increasing open and conversion rates.

How the Mailrelay SMS sending platform works

How the Mailrelay SMS sending platform works

Entering the world of bulk SMS marketing has never been easier than with Mailrelay.

Our platform was designed so that you can start your SMS marketing strategy simply and without complications.

Registration and installation

Starting to use Mailrelay is as simple as registering quickly on our website.

After registering, you will have immediate access to our dashboard, without the need for complex installations.

Once you register, you will have access to our email marketing tool, in your free account:

  • You can send up to 80,000 free emails per month
  • And work with up to 20,000 contacts per month

Plus, you’ll be guided by our support team, ready to help you every step of the way.

Initial setting

Once logged into the platform, the next step is to configure your account according to your specific needs.

At this stage you will be able to import your contact lists, define your sending preferences and establish other settings that will facilitate the success of your campaigns.

But don’t worry, our platform is intuitive, and if you have any questions, our support team will be happy to help you.

Creating bulk SMS campaigns

With your account already set up, you’re ready to take the big step: creating your first bulk SMS campaign.

At Mailrelay we make this process easier through a simple interface where you can:

  • Write the messages
  • Select recipient groups
  • And set parameters such as sending date and time

Plus, our advanced targeting and personalization tools will allow you to create campaigns that effectively resonate with your audience, ensuring amazing results.

Remember, every campaign is an opportunity to connect with your customers and strengthen your brand.

So, unleash your creativity and discover everything you can achieve with Mailrelay!

Mailrelay Competitive Advantages

Mailrelay Competitive Advantages

In a market saturated with options, Mailrelay stands out as the undisputed leader in the digital marketing sector.

Our dedication to providing exceptional solutions is evident in several key areas that put us one step ahead of the competition.

Below, we’ll explore some of the competitive advantages that make Mailrelay your number one choice for SMS and email marketing campaigns.

The best technical support on the market

At Mailrelay, we consider technical support not just assistance, but an extension of our dedication to ensuring the success of your campaigns.

Our team is made up of highly trained professionals, ready to assist you at every stage of your marketing journey.

Whether you have a basic question or need advanced technical help, we’re here to provide you with quick answers and effective solutions.

Even if you are using a free account.

High delivery rate

Efficiency is one of our main pillars.

We strive to ensure that every message sent through our platform reaches its destination.

Our high-quality servers and advanced technologies guarantee a high delivery rate, which means your messages will reach your customers’ inbox without any problems.

This reliability makes our campaigns more effective, boosting engagement and, consequently, better results for your business.

Competitive costs

We believe that access to high-quality marketing tools should not be a privilege reserved for large corporations.

Mailrelay is committed to offering a competitive cost structure that allows businesses of all sizes to take advantage of our advanced solutions without spending a lot of money.

Plus, with our generous free account offer, we welcome small and medium businesses to explore and take advantage of all the opportunities digital marketing has to offer.

Without a significant initial investment.

Bulk SMS Tips and Best Practices

Bulk SMS Tips and Best Practices

Success in the world of digital marketing is not only achieved with advanced tools, but also with well thought out and executed strategies.

At Mailrelay, not only do we offer an exceptional platform, but we also want to guide you so you can make the most of your SMS and email marketing campaigns.

Here are some tips and best practices to help you.

How to create effective messages

The art of crafting effective messages lies in connection and relevance.

Never forget:

  • Concise and complete: Write messages that get straight to the point, but contain all the information necessary to attract the recipient.
  • Personalization: Use Mailrelay’s personalization features to make each message unique to the recipient, showing that you value their individuality.
  • Clear call to action: Include a clear, compelling phrase that guides the recipient to the desired next step.
  • Added value: Make sure each message offers something of value to the recipient, whether it’s a special offer, useful information or an exclusive opportunity.

How to measure the success of your campaign

Measuring the success of your campaigns is essential to understanding and improving your marketing strategy.

The least you can do is to:

  • Analyze all the available metrics: Use Mailrelay’s analytics tools to monitor key indicators like open rates, clicks, and conversions.
  • Customer feedback: Pay attention to customer feedback to better understand how your messages are being received.
  • Continuous adjustments: Don’t hesitate to make adjustments based on the data you’re collecting. Success often comes from iteration and continually adapting to your audience’s responses.
  • Comparison with objectives: Evaluate the success of your campaign by comparing it to previously established objectives, adjusting your strategies as necessary to achieve your objectives.


In an increasingly digital world, having a powerful and effective marketing strategy is more vital than ever.

Digital marketing tools, especially bulk SMS platforms, have emerged as essential channels.

They help you connect with your audience directly and personally.

Mailrelay is your perfect ally in this adventure, offering not only a robust and reliable bulk SMS platform.

But also an experience accompanied by unparalleled technical support and a competitive cost structure.

Our commitment to your success is reflected in every resource and service we offer.

Ensuring you the best opportunities to grow and prosper in your marketing initiatives.


We are here to help you. Our mission is to guide you every step of the way to success.

Curious to learn more about a specific feature?

Or perhaps you want to explore ways to optimize your current campaigns?

Don’t hesitate to ask us for more details.

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