Outbound marketing
What is outbound marketing?
Outbound Marketing, which is also called interruption marketing, exit marketing or even as traditional marketing, is a methodology that makes use of marketing actions with which to get a message to a huge number of people, with the objective of generating sales.
1. Differences between outbound marketing and inbound marketing
It is very common for the concepts of outbound marketing and inbound marketing to intermingle, so we are going to show the characteristics of each of these methodologies and differentiate them.
Starting with outbound marketing:
- Its methodology focuses on the brand and product, in a few words: show its characteristics and advantages.
- It is an active strategy, because the company will contact the lead without them asking for any information first.
- It generally makes use of traditional media, such as: television, radio, press, etc.
- Communication is one-way, direct feedback is not obtained from the consumer.
- It will reach a large audience in an indiscriminate and impersonal way.
- The budget for reaching a huge number of people is usually high compared to inbound marketing.
- The main goal of this strategy is to generate sales, as soon as possible.
- Given the nature of these actions, in many cases their effectiveness is difficult to measure or very imprecise.
For inbound marketing:
- Its methodology is based on the user and the potential customer.
- The goal is to get the interest and trust of the potential client through valuable content.
- This strategy will try to capture the customer’s attention, but it is the lead itself that will find the company and initiate the contact.
- It makes use of digital media: search engines, websites, blogs, social media, email marketing, etc.
- It offers two-way communication.
- It reaches an audience already interested in our product, as it focuses its efforts on attracting the buyer persona.
- It depends more on creativity and this means that you need a lower budget than what is necessary for outbound marketing campaigns.
- This type of content is created to inform and entertain, but doesn’t directly seek a sale.
- It offers added value to the user, and solves problems and concerns.
- In inbound marketing the results are fully measurable and real.
2. Examples of outbound marketing
Actually there are a lot of actions that can be explored for working with outbound marketing, here are some of the most commonly used:
- Advertisements in conventional media, such as press, radio and television.
- Visible banners on the streets.
- Direct sponsorship of events, conferences and congresses.
- Generation of promotional material, such as: key rings, t-shirts, cups, pens, bags, notebooks and all kinds of accessories where the logo of the brand/product to be promoted is included.
- Stands in supermarkets, fairs, events, etc.
- Online ad campaigns, whether by buying space for banners, creating SEM campaigns, inserting advertising videos on social networks, etc.
- Advertising by postal mail or email.
- Door to door sales.
- Telemarketing campaigns.