SPIN selling
What is SPIN selling?
SPIN selling is a sales technique whose main premise is to actively listen to the customer and thus be able to offer relevant and customized solutions to their needs, instead of just listing the advantages of the product or service.
The SPIN selling method says that every customer must feel motivated to make a purchase and to generate that motivation it is necessary to make them aware that they have a need or problem, which will be solved by buying the product or service offered.
The SPIN sales strategy has its origin in Neil Rackham’s 1988 book (Spin Selling). This book proposes a change in the traditional commercial models, towards methods of active listening to customers, to generate relationships of trust and thus solve the needs in a more precise way.
1. Phases of SPIN selling
The Spin selling method defines four phases where the appropriate questions are asked in order to establish a link with the customer and complete the sale. SPIN is an acronym for Situation, Problem, Implication and Need-payoff.
In this first phase the salesperson generates the contact with the customer and asks the questions to know the customer’s situation, understand their context and identify the possible problems they are facing.
It is considered the key phase, as the questions are focused on getting the customer to recognize and identify the problems, even discovering some they didn’t realize they had.
At this point, the questions are aimed at getting the client to identify the negative impact on their life of the problems identified in the previous phase and to create a scenario where they need to be solved.
Finally, questions are asked to get the customer to value the product or service being offered, as well as to recognize the benefits it has in solving the problem previously identified.
2. Stages of SPIN selling
Similarly, in his book, Neil Rackham defines 4 basic stages of a sale. Depending on the type of sale, it can be closed in a few minutes and even in months or years, in the case of large sales.
As it is a sales method focused on medium and large sales, it is recommended not to show features and benefits of the product directly, as it is usual in small sales. The main purpose of this stage is to begin to gain the customer’s trust and make them feel comfortable, and many call it the preliminary stage.
It is the most relevant of all of them, we have to try to find out how the use of our product or service can offer value to the customer. But also to discover their needs, priorities and criteria for purchasing the product. This is the stage where it is clear whether the sale can move forward, with options to consummate it, or whether it is necessary to desist.
Demonstration capacity
After understanding the customer’s needs and problems, we must show the solutions that we can provide with the products or services we offer; we should work to make sure the customer will recognize them. This takes more value given that in many of the medium and large sales, the contact we have with a person who acts as an intermediary, and must transmit it to another person who is the one who makes the final purchase decision.
The final objective is the sale, but this should not be the explicit objective in each of the previous stages. It is at this point, where you will try to boost the commitment of different customers, as you should convince them to try or use your product / service, set a session with purchasing managers or even close the sale directly.