One of the difficulties for companies to work with email marketing is to capture subscribers. If you write your subscription form correctly, you will be able to get a lot more leads interested in what you are selling.
And it can be done by anyone. You don’t even need a lead magnet.
You will just have to spend some time writing the text that will be displayed before the form offered by the email marketing platform.
Fortunately, there are copywriting strategies and relevant texts that you can use. If you use these recommendations, your chances of success will increase.
That’s what we’re going to see today.
With more interested contacts, wouldn’t it be easier for you to have more sales?
Email marketing subscription form With or without a lead magnet?
Apparently, if you have a good lead magnet, the results can be better, of course:
It is an element that can attract the attention of visitors
- You offer something “free,” and this strategy often works (not always)
- You are giving something in exchange for the customer’s email, so this in theory, would seem a fairer exchange.
The fact is that despite receiving emails from contacts, this doesn’t mean that a user who accepted this “exchange of favors” will be more willing to buy from you:
- Yes, those contacts will likely no longer be willing to buy. Often they just want to receive what you are giving them for free.
- They can even remain active on your email list. They may decide to unsubscribe after getting what you were offering, or they could just ignore your emails.
The only sure thing is that, for the moment, the lead magnet you created has attracted their attention.
► The truth is that many contacts, in the end, neither download nor use the lead magnet
This might depend on your industry and, of course, the lead magnet.
In my tests, some time ago, we offered an ebook to users who signed up.
The results showed that, ultimately, few contacts downloaded it, and consequently, I imagine the number of people who ended up reading the content would be even smaller.
It’s something that catches the eye, but in the end, it really ends up not being used.
So why spend money to create a lead magnet that most users won’t even read?
It pays to study well when using a lead magnet, be it an ebook, a discount or whatever we want to offer.
Maybe you don’t really need to use any “extras,” and it all depends on how you write your “subscription proposal.”
In other words, you can always create a form that is effective enough to convince visitors to register without any free gift.
► It’s not all about creating an expensive lead magnet.
If that’s what scares you, then you shouldn’t worry.
Many companies don’t want or can’t invest in the preparation of an ebook or any other resource that is expensive and could bring uncertain results.
The important thing is that you use the resources you have available; there are always other options, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
Avoid creating an empty” subscription form
Muchas páginas web tienen un formulario similar al que puedes ver abajo.
► Example of a subscription form with a lot of problems.
This form itself doesn’t provide any relevant information to potential subscribers., It doesn’t try to convince visitors in any way, nor does it offer any data or relevant explanation that would tell users why they should take the time to register.
Also, if you put this form in the footer, it won’t be very visible. This is even worse because if it isn’t seen and also doesn’t motivate visitors to subscribe, it would offer few results.
► No lead magnet and no compelling copywriting strategy
The result is an opt-in form that won’t attract many subscribers.
You wouldn’t have many subscriptions.
That means:
·If we are investing money in paid campaigns to attract traffic, many visitors will not be converted into subscribers.
· And if we’re not even investing in traffic, the possibility of getting subscribers would be even more reduced.
It costs nothing to spend some time tweaking the texts, well, it takes some time, but it will certainly be worth it, as you can grow your email list. When your goal is to build an email list and promote your products, you should also build an SEO strategy to increase visibility as well.
► Anyway, another example, this one better:
To give you another example, our own form uses texts to convince visitors to register:
It’s a newsletter subscription form that doesn’t offer a lead magnet, but of course, we use other features to improve the subscription rate.
As we have many articles on our blog, over time, they become somewhat inaccessible as we are always publishing new content.
They are available, but many users end up not finding them.
That is unfortunate in general, but in some cases, subscribers could be missing out on really useful information.
Why not bring these posts to life?
We can create an automation to send a sequence of emails that will be sent during three days.
Each email would include a link to a relevant article with vital information for the new subscriber.
The result is something positive for both parties.
New subscribers receive information that will be useful to them.
And we can drive more traffic to these posts.
► Do you have absolutely no resources to share?
In case you don’t have articles on your blog, or videos, or anything else, Then write an email or several that will be sent to the contact.
It is almost certain that whatever you sell, a good number of Potential customers will have questions:
· How to solve a specific problem?
· What alternatives are there, and how do they differ?
· How do you ensure they won’t waste time or money?
In short, whatever you sell, your potential customers will have questions, and if you address their concerns, many leads would be interested.
Now the important thing is to write the right text.
We will see this aspect in the next paragraphs.
How to write well and quickly the texts for creating an effective subscription form
There are many copywriting strategies, some very complex and effective, which obviously would require more experience.
We’re not going to talk about them today, but what we’re going to see is a simple way to write these texts in just a few easy steps.
There are two simple strategies:
► Feature + Advantage + Benefit + Reason
In this case, think of a notable feature of your product, or what you will offer to those who subscribe to your newsletter.
Imagine you have a business consultancy and would like to capture more potential contacts. As a consultant, you are certainly aware of legislative changes, legal information, B.O.E, etc.
This information is very important for business managers, but most of them don’t have time to review the last changes and long legal documents or don’t understand the topic (most legal aspects are often complex).
It is very likely that, as a consultant, you already send relevant information about this topic to your customers, right?
Well, you can send a newsletter to both customers and subscribers who are registering; the work is the same. so you could capture contacts, send them relevant information, and, with that you could, convert them into customers in the future.
You could use a text similar to this one for your opt-in form:
“Keeping up to date with changes in legislation that may affect your company is complex. That is our work and it should also be yours. If you sign up, you will be always up to date, and that will save you time, money and avoid mistakes so that you can focus on the day-to-day aspects of your business; we will send you any relevant development that could affect you”.
Of course, this message could still be improved.
But the difference between a form with a text of one word “register” and the text that I prepared in a few minutes is oceanic.
► Understanding the customer’s problem + Solution
This is a slightly different approach. You should first try to detect the problem your customers are facing.
Then you will need to make sure that you know the best solution and can offer it with your product or service.
Now let’s use the example of our own subscription form:
There’s a reason, only one, why your customers don’t buy, even if you have the perfect solution for what they need. And it’s not the price. You will see the solution in this email.
This is a common business problem.
Even if the company has the perfect product, in the end, the customer doesn’t buy it, and the reason is not the price.
And how can this be resolved?
Of course, many companies want to know, and so they subscribe, because they want to receive the answer and the different strategies they can adopt to use email marketing. (If you want to know the answer, you can subscribe, it’s not a secret.)
In short, write the text of your subscription form
It doesn’t have to take long. If you follow any of the two strategies we saw today, you will also have good results, it is much better than creating a form with just the text “subscribe to our newsletter”.
You also don’t need to spend money on a lead magnet; use the resources that are already at your disposal, whether they are articles on your blog, na email that you can write yourself or the usual messages you send.
You just need to leverage what you already have and make it more profitable.
Translated by Micheli.