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Dedicated IP

What is a dedicated IP for email marketing?

A dedicated IP, in the context of email marketing, refers to a protocol address of the Internet (IP) used exclusively by a single entity or sender to send emails.

Unlike a shared IP, used by multiple senders, a dedicated IP allows companies to have full control over the reputation of their IP address.

In other words, it allows the administrator to control everything that is sent from that IP

Relevant historical data

The evolution of the dedicated IP is a reflection of the maturation of email marketing as a communication tool.

When email marketing began to be used by many companies, many webmasters used shared IPs due to their cost-benefit ratio and ease of use; We should note that this is still very common today.

In fact, most ESPs use shared IPs to send almost all email marketing campaigns.

However, with the exponential growth of email as a communication channel in the business world, the need for more control arose, leading to the popularization of dedicated IPs.

This coincided with the development of more sophisticated technologies for monitoring and management of IPS reputation.

Key considerations

When thinking about the use of a dedicated IP, it is essential to take into account factors such as:

  • The number of emails sent
  • The sending frequency
  • The type of emails that will be sent
  • And the importance of the sender’s reputation

A dedicated IP requires a relatively high number of emails to maintain a good reputation, which is critical to avoiding spam filters and ensuring a high delivery rate.


· Establishing a good sender score reputation:

New IPs, without any sending history, can be initially seen as “suspicious” by email services (such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.).

Sending a constant and significant amount of emails helps create a positive reputation by demonstrating that IP is being used for legitimate messages and not for spam.

· Keeping a good sending score reputation:

Once a good reputation is established, it is important to keep it.

This implies sending emails regularly so that email service providers can continue to evaluate and confirm the quality of traffic generated by this IP.

· Avoid behavior that could be seen as spam:

IPs that send large amounts of email irregularly can be flagged as suspicious.

This is because spammers usually send large amounts of emails in a short period and then remain inactive.

Therefore, regularity and number of emails sent can help differentiate a legitimate sender from a spammer.

What advantages could a dedicated IP offer?

The importance of a dedicated IP lies in its ability to improve email ledeliverability under specificelectrónicos circunstamces.

By having full control over the reputation of each IP, companies may avoid being associated with other sender that may be sending spam or unwanted content.

This is crucial for companies that depend on email marketing to communicate with their customers and prospects.

Working with a dedicated IP can be the best alternative for companies that need to send many emails per month and need to ensure high delivery rates.

A well-designed and regularly sent newsletter can strengthen the relationship with subscribers, increase brand loyalty, and improve conversion rates.

By using a dedicated IP to send these campaigns, companies can ensure more consistency in the sender’s delivery and reputation.


In short, a dedicated IP is an essential component in the arsenal of tools of an email marketing professional.

It offers significant control and customization, which are fundamental at a time when email delivery and sender reputation are more important than ever.

As email marketing continues to evolve, dedicated IPs will remain a valuable resource for companies seeking to maximize the impact of their email campaigns.

To find out if a dedicated IP would be recommended for your business, as well as to ask any other question, don’t hesitate to contact our team.