Would you like to find out how to write compelling emails to convince your subscribers to buy from you?
Would you like to be able to send a newsletter and start receiving order requests in a few minutes?
And increase your sales during the worst months of the year for your business?
It would be fantastic, wouldn’t it?
In this article, you will discover how to do this through 5 words that you can use in your emails, generating desire and expectation in your customers, so that they decide to buy from you.
Communication in email marketing is everything and the process of buying is the result of a communication aligned with a single word: EMPATHY
A forgotten word in most email campaigns that I review.
They talk about them, about their company, about their achievements, about the characteristics of their products.
But what about the customer? Does he matter to them?
Remember that it is he who will pay. So, why don’t you clearly explain what your product or service can do for this person? How will his life improve? Is he going to be happier? Why? Do you have concrete data to demonstrate to your subscriber that he or she can believe you?
This article is the result of my willingness to teach you to be that seller who we all want to find when we receive an email.
And here I am not talking about SPAM, but about seducing your potential customers, so that he will be happy to work with you.
Never forget, SPAM is not Marketing.
I want your email marketing campaigns to become a channel for listening to what your customers want to tell you, as they know you want to help them solve their problems. This is what you should do to sell through your newsletters, if you follow other strategies, you will be working with incorrect techniques and bad practices.
Of course. Your potential client needs a little push. Many times, we need something more to decide to act, to leave our comfort zone and take the credit card out of our pocket.
In many cases your lead will be tired with so many things to do. They have problems and know this, but they may need help to take action and take care of their own lives.
I’ll do it tomorrow! Let’s see if after summer I buy this product.
Unfortunately, these promises are rarely fulfilled.
This list of 5 words is 100% effective, and you can include them in your newsletters, to improve your sales.
I understand that it is difficult to write an enticing message but to succeed, you would have to go straight to the point and touch the hearts of your subscribers, working with their emotions to generate more sales.
Remember that your customers will buy from you driven by emotions that later they will try to justify using reason.
5 magic words that you should never forget in your sales emails
These 5 magic words will make a difference in your marketing strategy. From now on, you should add them to your email marketing, but also to all your marketing actions.
They are what I call words that sell. With a power of attraction that can overcome any resistance.
These are words and phrases that will make your customers act. If you use them correctly, they will buy from you; they will contact you, or you will be able to reach any objective that you proposed.
Each of these words has a direct action on the brain of your potential customers. And with a little practice, you can turn your customers from simple consumers into loyal buyers.
· YOU, personal tone
This is the word with the greatest impact and it should logically be on every message you’ll create for your email marketing campaigns.
As I mentioned earlier, you should work to empathize with the your leads, using a personal tone, with a direct message to each subscriber, without using generic phrases.
Remember that when you are writing a newsletter, you will send it for a mailing list, but you are writing the message to a person and not to a group of unimportant people. That is, each subscriber should feel special as if the message had been created just for him and is not just another email written for millions of other people. This means that your message should be very straightforward, with the appropriate language for your target audience.
To get your potential client to act, all your words should be directed to him. When he opens your email, he should see that you understand his problems, his desires, his yearnings. He must believe that you are talking to him and only him.
Your message should be direct. The degree of empathy should be as high as possible and for that nothing better than creating a personal message.
- Techniques to Improve Your Business
- Tips for improving your family’s life
- Would you like to change your life?
Examples of calls to action:
- Click here to know more about this fantastic system
- Your family will appreciate this gift for sure.
- Click here for more information
- You will benefit from all these bonuses, and you will get a 20% discount.
As you can see, all these example sentences are written in the second person of the singular.
Human beings, by their mental programming, are eager to discover new things, new ways of doing things. In other words, we are always looking for ways to improve our lives, to facilitate our tasks.
Everything that is new fascinates us and keeps us interested. We exist. We are programmed for that, and our species benefited from this interest.
If it were not for our eagerness to discover new things, we would not have mastered the planet and the rest of the living beings as we did. We are curious beings and are eager to surround us with everything that seems to be new.
Use the word NEW in your emails, in your subjects, in the body of the messages you send. You will automatically capture the attention of your customers.
Examples of subject lines:
- New system that guarantees a 250% return on your sales
- New program to lose weight 10 pounds in 30 days
- New product to clean your house, much faster, much easier
- A new release, the only one in the market
It is certainly not new for you to say that the word free is a very powerful word in a text.
Unfortunately, most marketers forget and don’t make good use of this word.
Many experiments demonstrate that the word free awakens the interest of almost all people. No matter what, if it’s free, we will want to get it, after all, it will not cost anything.
You can use free samples or small gifts, ebooks, spreadsheets, etc. and encourage them to get in touch with you, as you will add value and win their confidence, or simply enhance your brand image.
Remember that even if what you are offering is free, it should be excellent.
If you offer something of no value, it will have an opposite effect, and this will be reflected in the image of your brand. Always offer the best you can. Your best advice, your best tricks, your best service.
If the free version is already great, The paid option must be even better. The word free implies an absence of risk.
We don’t lose anything. Human beings are more afraid of losing than of winning. Don’t forget that.
Or do you think insurers earn what they earn for another reason? They charge to give you the assurance that you will not lose anything and your life will remain as it is NOW. Be very careful when using the word FREE in the subject of your email, since the message could be blocked by the anti-spam filters.
Avoid this word, be creative. Find a way to express the same concept: No charge, You will not have to pay anything. It doesn’t cost anything.
Example of subject lines:
- No cost training program
- You’re not going to pay a penny.
- This will not cost you anything if you act now
- No charge, We pay for you. Risk 0.
The purpose of your email is to convince your potential clients to act, but not tomorrow, they should act now.
This sense of urgency should be reflected in your emails: NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW.
Although it may seem that this word is not so powerful, the reality is that many tests have already been done with and without these words and the results are clear. Calls to action using these terms can get better conversion rates.
If you don’t indicate in the call to action that the subscriber should act now, your prospects or customers will leave it for tomorrow, and the reality is that tomorrow they won’t do anything.
Examples of calls to action:
- Don’t miss your copy and click NOW
- Download your report NOW by clicking here
- Download your gift by clicking here
- Click now if you don’t want to lose your place
All of us, and I mean EVERYONE, are afraid of losing. Much more afraid of losing than the desire to win.
As I mentioned earlier, insurers know this well and understand how that fear can make them make a lot of money.
We all like to buy. Your customers too, but they will surely be afraid to be deceived, look foolish after purchasing something of poor quality or may be fearful that they will be cheated. Your job is to demonstrate that they don’t have to worry.
To do that, it is essential that you guarantee the purchase and express clearly that they don’t have anything to fear. You should make them feel that the step they are going to take doesn’t imply in any risk to them.
Examples of calls to Action
- 60 Day Refund Guarantee you just have to ask for your money back
- No risk to you, we pay you everything
- You have 60 days to test it for free
- You can return it without obligation.
- Ask for information without compromise. Zero risks.
John Caples, one of the most renowned publicists in history, stated in his book Making Ads Pay the need to emphasize and exaggerate our message in the texts with the aim of encouraging action and awaken the emotions we desire in our readers.
Remember again that your customer will buy from you driven by emotions and only later he will justify the purchase with reason.