Cómo obtener emoticones para email

How to add emoticons for the subject line of your newsletter

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Have you seen those newsletters with an emoticon in the subject line?

It is very easy to add one for your own campaign, in this post you will see how to do it in just a few steps.

In fact, the only thing you need to do is to copy the emoticon you want to use and paste it in the subject line of the newsletter.

Therefore, the most difficult part is to find an website with nice looking emoticons to use.

You can start by searching this page:  http://fsymbols.com/ 

Search the emoticon you want to use and click on it, now, just copy it to the clipboard:

Now just copy it when you are creating the newsletter, this can be done in two ways, using the CTRL + V key or using the Right-click button to paste it:

It is important to remember that each email software will display it differently,  depending on the email client, for instance if you are using Gmail:

And in Gmail when the user opens the email:

But it depends on the email client.

As you can see it is very easy to add emoticons to your newsletter

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