One of the first steps that a company or organization should take before starting its operation is the definition of its personality, how it wants to be perceived by the world. It is crucial to define that personality, internalize it and make sure that all the people involved will understand these values, as it will mark the way the company or organization will relate to its customers and partners.
Likewise, it is important to periodically review these values, update them if necessary, always working to enhance the personality of your brand.
· How to define the mission, vision, and values of a company
The personality of a brand can be defined by understanding three factors: mission, vision and values. Defining each of them and sharing them with all the staff of the company, in addition to necessary,
will facilitate the work of the marketing department, both when planning campaigns and in case of a crisis.
Speaking in a more precise way, we can say that the mission, vision, and values of a company can be translated into these questions: who am I? Who do I want to be? Which values will I use as a guide to achieve my goals?
· What is the mission of a company?
The first of three pillars to define the personality of a brand is to understand who you are. To do that, you will need to answer the following questions:
- What are your products or services? You will need to create a list of all your products and services, classify them and organize them according to their importance in your sales strategy. Listing your essential products or services will help you to create a guideline so that all team members know where to concentrate their efforts.
- What is your reason for existing? A brand created for the sole purpose of making money will never succeed. You need to have an inspiration, a motivation for starting your company. That way, your customers and employees will feel more connected with your brand.
- Who is behind the company: By introducing the creators of the project, they will become real people, not just a name on a logo.
- Where you are: we must define our territory of action to establish not only the communication strategy but also the logistics for the distribution of your products or services.
- For whom your business activity will be directed: it will also be necessary to understand the characteristics of your potential customers. This information will be vital for planning the correct sales strategy for attracting these customers.
- What is the name of the brand: the choice of name should be made by taking into consideration possible external factors, in addition to all points previously mentioned.
- What are the symbols that identify the brand: the visual identity, the logo, the corporate colors.
- What are the brand differences when compared to the competition: Understanding the competition will give you the necessary information for identifying how to highlight the aspects that differentiate the brand from its competitors.
These points should be widely known internally, but you should be able to summarize them in a paragraph created for the consumers of the products or services.
Correctly mapping the mission will help you choose the ideal strategy for your company, always adapting the business plan for the market, but without losing its essence.
· How to define the vision of a company?
The next point that you should define is the vision of the company.
After knowing who you are, it will be time to decide where you want to go. You should set a realistic goal, which can be achieved in a reasonable period.
The vision of a company can be divided into different branches that determine the objectives to be achieved from different points of view of the company. In this way, for example, the company may be focused on business growth, internal growth, and social responsibility.
These goals will serve as a guide and reference point for the planning of a solid business strategy. Therefore, it is essential to set realistic and achievable goals, for which you are willing to fight bravely. These goals should be aligned with the mission of the company, defined in the previous paragraphs.
· How can you define the values of a company?
Finally, a company or organization needs to establish its values, ethical principles that will govern its actions. It is advisable not to set more than seven values with which the brand will be identified because if you create a large list of values, your brand will lose credibility.
The values of your brand are its “soul,” and so you should choose them carefully, having as reference the mission of your company and never forgetting that they will outline the vision of your brand: All these aspects should be consistent because otherwise, it will not be possible to create a strong brand.
Be careful with controversial flags, especially if it is something with which you don’t feel intimately connected because that could be harmful to your strategy.
Final thoughts
In addition to defining the mission, vision, and values of your company, you should publish that information in all communication channels used by the company. That is, you should post your values on your social networks, on your site, and on your blog.
Your values may be part of your marketing strategy, but they should not be used just to try to promote your brand. For example, if you are involved in social or philanthropic activities, you can talk about your work on your site and social networks, but you should never use your actions to show how amazing your brand is.
This information should be complete as it will be beneficial for your customers and partners to know more about the company so that they can understand its differentials. If they identify with these values, it will be much easier for them to trust your brand and become loyal customers or partners.
Remember: You should not try to defend all the social flags of the moment, it is better to set specific values, related to your brand, to facilitate both the marketing process and the process of identification.
Users will be drawn to these values and this way you can Start building a healthy relationship with them. That doesn’t mean that you should never worry about social issues. On the contrary, the more relevant your brand is to the society, the better it will be for everyone. However, when working with the mission, vision, and values of your company, it is best to focus on clear and feasible goals.
Once these pillars have been defined, it is time to do what you can to respect them both in your advertising campaigns and in the workflow and customer service, because negative marketing will be your worst enemy.