How to use chatGPT in your email marketing strategy

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

This tool has stormered the web in just a few weeks. Everybody is talking about chatGPT! And that is understandable… Artificial intelligence has come to stay and promises to revolutionize the way of doing things in the digital field.

For us who work with marketing… there is no other conversation topic! Many people say that this tool will be the best ally of content generation. And, yes, but it will only work for those who understand how to use this tool properly.

By this I mean that, as happened when the first digital encyclopedias were created, you can’t just copy and past, but we can use it for boosting our criativity. Creating, with it, more and more valuable content.

In this sense, it can also be an important ally on our email marketing campaigns. You only have to ask the right questions, to receive original answers. Those that help us create increasingly interesting and persuasive emails (they could change the game for many marketers).

Therefore, in this article I want to invite you to see in detail what Chatgpt is, what are its advantages and how we can use it in our email marketing strategies to really take advantage of the resources offered by this tool. Let’s get started!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a tool developed by a company called OpenAI, which uses artificial intelligence to perform different tasks related to language. Thus, it is able to generate texts from the questions you ask and even translate content.

This system has been trained with a lot of data to generate reliable responses, or as accurate as possible. And, at the moment, the tool is trained through interaction with its users.

Chatting with chatGPT could help US to find new ideas for the content or project we are planning. In the end, our goal should be focused on finding answers that support our content to generate more interest, impact and visibility.

Thus, for example, if you ask what happened in the battle of Stalingrad and how it affected the war, it will be able to explain in several paragraphs everything that has happened. It will include information about relevant facts and dates!

But if you want even more concrete information, you can ask it increasingly specific questions. We can’t just use all the content generated by this IA tool, but we have to be honest, the texts created are natural and usually of very good quality.

Therefore, why not use it for our marketing strategies? Surely, as well as like many other people, you are fascinated by the idea of taking advantage of chatGPT in your business, company or professional activity. Let’s see how we can do that;)

General usages of ChatGPT

General usages of ChatGPT

Once we have defined what is ChatGPT, let’s see in detail what we can do with it. First of all, you should know that the results you get from this tool will depend on your ingenuity and how you use it.

Although new functionalities will emerge little by little, today we can say that ChatGPT can be used especially for:

● Develop arguments. The system can do that with a lot of relevant information. We can ask about any concept and we will receive a broad response with a lot of information. It will use the available data for providing the correct information.

● Write articles or summaries. The software can create articles and texts of different sizes. However, although the writing seems perfect, ChatGPT can make mistakes, so we must use it as a source of inspiration (or to collect information). But we will still have to apply copywriting strategies and optimize the content according to our SEO strategy.

● Write texts with specific format. ChatGPT can also write texts in other formats. For instance, we can ask it to write a script for YouTube, or a description for a video we will publish. Of course, keep in mind the above recommendations and use it as a research tool.

● Create images. Another relevant feature offered by ChatGPT is its ability to generate personalized images through specific requests. Thus, you can get covers for your YouTube videos or images for articles (among others). Although, once again, it would be better to take it as the basis that only a professional will know how to retouch.

● Other features. Finally, I would like to make a brief summary of other types of tasks that you can ask this IA do do for you. I mean, for example, that you can ask it to create lines of code, make comparisons, jokes, songs, poems and, you can even ask for advice on which laptop to buy. In this sense, you must specify iny details what you need, so the software will offer you the most accurate answer.

ChatGPT helps us to find inspiration, generate ideas and expand information about a wide variety of topics. In short, content creators, designers and other professionals can rely on it to boost criativity, as well as obtain more creative and efficient results.

Advantages of ChatGPT for your email marketing strategy

Advantages of ChatGPT for your email marketing strategy

Before explaining how to use ChatGPT, let’s see how it can help us in our email marketing strategy. As I have already mentioned, this is a support tool and, in no case, it should be used to replace the experience of a good content creator (who will know how to use the information properly).

In this context, ChatGPT can help a lot when it comes to creating engaging emails. For example, it can be used for tasks such as.

Find new ideas

Sometimes, we are clear about our email marketing strategy, we know what we want to convey and what we want to achieve, but we lack creative ideas to give life to our emails. ChatGPT can be a fantastic ally in this regard.

For example, imagine that you are looking to get your reader’s attention with a curious or funny note, why don’t you ask the tool for help? It can give you ideas on which you can work later.

If you want to create content about a topic that many other websites are talking about, you could use this IA to find new facts or information, so that you can create an unique article with a different approach. Surely it will offer you many different ideas for your content!

Overcome writer’s block

Have you ever tried to write an email, but even if you have a good idea in your mind, you can’t find the right phrases… You can’t find the right words…

In those cases, you could, for example, ask ChatGPT to tell you a story about your idea or answer a related question. Maybe that will help you find the right words.


ChatGPT can help you to research about different topics. You can ask as many specific questions as you need, as that will help you to get more and more accurate information. However, the results will depend on how precise you are in your questions.

Thus, for example, it is not the same to ask “what are the advantages of healthy eating?”, Than to ask “what are the benefits of eating vegetables for a three -year -old child?”

Talk about interesting topics

Another of the tasks that you can ask ChatGPT is to tell you, for example; “5 interesting facts for an email about healthy food.”

The IA will give you a list with all the information that you need. And, if you don’t like any suggestion, you can ask for 5 more or be more precise in what you are looking for.

In any case, far from copying one of them and paste it in your email subject line, it is advisable to use the idea and give it the style that best suits the strategy.

Find striking comparisons

Resources such as metaphors or comparisons are often very attractive to capture user attention in an email. However, it is not always easy to find or express them as we would like to do.

ChatGPT can help in this task. Although, again, you have to be patient and introduce the question precisely.

Don’t expect to find an amazing text, ready to be copied! The idea is that you get an original idea that, otherwise, you would not have found. So, don’t just use the ideas, but work on them to create more effective emails.

Expand vocabulary

Finally, in order not to sound repetitive, we can use the tool to search for synonyms or new expressions. Again, the goal is to create unique content, to try to differentiate the website from its competitors.

Thus, for example, we can ask it; “In what other way I can say that my service will help my clients increase their income.”

How to use ChatGPT for email marketing (3 examples)

Before starting to use ChatGPT, the first thing you should be clear about is your email marketing strategy. You will have to plan your strategy (ChatGPT can’t do it for you).

So, first of all, define what you want to get, the sending frequency, and the different topics you want to write about.

With this information, we can go to the tool and start our conversation with it. Marketers that want to attract new leads will follow different steps from those who want to boost engagement with existing subscribers.

1) Generate ideas

To see how to use ChatGPT in email marketing, let’s imagine that the objective of our strategy is to close meetings with possible clients, and that in this context we are trying to promote a tax advice service.

We will start by asking the tool to throw some content ideas for us to write about. These ideas should be focused on the reader and the problem they want to solve. Therefore, we could ask the following question; “What problems do companies face related to tax advice?”

How to use ChatGPT

If we focus on point 3, we could ask for even more specific questions. So we will ask it; “What consequences does it have for companies not to be aware of changes in fiscal law?”

How to use ChatGPT

On this, we can ask two more questions; “What fines will companies that don’t comply with the fiscal law will face and what is the amount of these fines?”

How to use ChatGPT
How to use ChatGPT

This information can be enough to begin our series of emails, focusing on this problem.

It seems that the changes in the fiscal law is what most worries companies and, in turn, something that usually generates confusion among many advisors.

Therefore, we could use the first message to talk about the problem and the next campaign to show its consequences. In both cases we could use the ideas offered by ChatGPT to find new topics for our messages.

2) Email body

The next step will be to ask it to write the email. But, be careful, remember that we will only use this as inspiration. Later we will have to make the necessary changes to the message. If not, the email will be too simple and not persuasive enough.

This the question we have asked ChatGPT; “Can you write an email about how companies will be affected when their tax advisor is not aware of changes in fiscal law?”

How to use ChatGPT
How to use ChatGPT

As the answer is in another language, and the information will vary a lot when we ask the same question in english, we will only say that the message needs improvement. We can ask the system to write another more persuasive email. It will give us a different answer:

How to use ChatGPT
How to use ChatGPT
How to use ChatGPT

As I told you, it would be better to use ChatGPT as a research tool. If we just copy the texts generated by the IA, we probably won’t get positive results from our email marketing strategy, but we can use it to open our minds to new ideas.

3) Email Subject Line

Finally, let’s see how to use ChatGPT for creating email subject lines. At this point, we would ask the system to give us five different ideas for a subject line:

How to use ChatGPT

We can ask it to be more original.

How to use ChatGPT

It will offer us different options, but most of the times, the ideas wouldn’t generate better open rates. Therefore, I reaffirm the idea that ChatGPT is a great tool that will help us generate content, but we should use it as a guide, but never just copy the texts generated by this IA.

Even so, you should try this tool and see what it can do for you. But it will not replace your criativity! Remember that only a professional will know how to get the best out of ChatGPT for an email marketing strategy.

Teresa Alba

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