How to Create, Design and Promote a Business Page on Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Social media platforms unite billions of people. If a brand needs to get in touch with its audience, it can create a business account. Proper design and promotion of the page will help solve various problems: from the growth of recognition and loyalty to the increase in financial performance. Let’s consider how to create a […]

How to Enhance Your Customer Experience using Live Chat?

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

The role of an AI-powered live chat software in the modern-day customer support plan cannot be emphasized enough. But we’re still going to give it a try: Live chat empowers customers to self-serve and streamline routine tasks by offering a rock-solid Knowledge Base. This, as you can imagine, is a priceless business advantage. According to […]

Does Email Design Actually Matter?

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Every email marketer dreams of sending beautiful campaigns that convert. Study after study confirms the RIO potential of email, but what’s less clear is the creative path you should walk to get there. There’s a healthy body of evidence to support the humble plain text email. Meanwhile, our inboxes are filled with highly-designed campaigns from […]

Interactive Email Marketing: The Complete Guide

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Email marketing has proved to be an oldie Goldie that won’t be dying anytime soon, with its high ROI: you get an average return of $44 for every dollar spent. For that reason many businesses are investing their money and time in email marketing, 93% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content.  This signifies […]

What is PDCA and how this method can help you manage your digital marketing strategy

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Digital marketing can be a challenge, even for those of us who have been crossing this path for several years. For example, it may be difficult to understand certain concepts, or perhaps you don’t know what different acronyms mean, where correctly the best strategies can be applied and what is the best way to improve […]

Best Email Marketing Psychology Hacks To Boost Conversions

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Will you believe me if I say that the difference between mediocre and magnificent email marketing campaign results is – psychology? I understand you’re reluctant to believe that because it sounds rather simplistic. After all, isn’t email marketing almost a science already! You’ve heard of email finders, branded email IDs, clickbait subject lines, eye-candy email […]