The SpamScore is a metric system of checking the possible risk of an email, to try to determine if It is or is not spam. All antispam systems will use this score, the filter will add or subtract points for different rules, if the sum reaches the value defined in the system, the filter will consider the message as spam.
For example, the most frequently used method, Spamassassin is configured so that when the sum of SpamScore reaches or exceeds 8, the message is rejected.
The server administrator can change this value. For example normally, most servers will use 5, to make it a little more safe for the users:
What will the SpamScore check when reciving an email?
The filter will check various things, types of content, text inserted into the body of the email and subject, technical configurations, if the sender or any URL are not blacklisted, etc. Specifically, spamassassin has over 700 rules, which are always checked. Good practices, for example dkim well configured, will subtract points and errors, such as subject lines in capital letters will add points to the score:
In the DEFAULT SCORES column we can see what value SpamScore will assign by default to each type of rule, but there are a few which are not well known or obvious, it is best to use the SpamScore verification tool offered by Mailrelay.
But before checking the design, anti-spam systems also will check the configuration, sender reputation and platform, and their certifications. In theory the score starts from zero, but with Mailrelay and its certifications.
You will start with an initial score of -6.2 in SpamScore without having to set up absolutely nothing and independent of the design. This greatly increases the deliverability rate of your newsletters and will minimize possible design problems, configuration or sender score reputation (which no longer depend on the platform) other systems cannot offer the same thing.