Nowadays, more and more people are looking for ways to start their own business, especially in the online world, many users are creating a blog and want to dedicate themselves to it full time. But things are not that simple, starting an online business as a blogger is not an easy process, as many gurus would have us think.
I myself work with bloggers who want to start a business and I assure you that when you want to, you can do it, because it’s true, if you want, if you work hard, you study, you sacrifice your free time during the first years or months, you will be successful. But as you can see, it is not only to want to do something, if you want to do it, you will have to work to achieve your goals.
But what would you say if I mention you can do it correctly from the first day? Bypassing the obstacles that I and other entrepreneurs found in our way? Would you like to access this blog every week, to get information and posts that will help you to be successful, and start your own business without wasting time?
Before the summer, thanks to an website that brings together bloggers and brands, I discovered Mailrelay. To work with them and fulfill my part of the agreement, I studied their company and loved what I saw. That is why, just a few weeks after creating my account, I migrated my mailing list to this platform and started working with this system. I think it was love at first sight.
From that moment I have collaborated with them periodically, both on their blog and with my own. Because when you discover a service that meets your expectations, you want to share it with other people, and that’s why I’m here.
I will not limit myself to share with you preconceived ideas and compiled posts you can find online on how to start your business from scratch and with limited resources, I will share my own experience managing my blog, that in January will be active for three years.
From my mistakes and successes you can learn much more than if every week I copied data and statistics that will not clarify your doubts. I have many templates, checklists, lists of tasks to organize and manage my time properly, and I would like to share this material with you.
I also want to propose something. I want the communication to be two-way, you can treat each of the posts of the new section with tips to start your career as an entrepreneur: the necessary steps to be successful as a forum.
That is, in the comments area, you can leave all your questions and comments. We will consider your questions for future posts and I promise to try to use all possible means to find an answer, even trying to find other people, if I don’t know the best way to help with a specific problem, as each situation is different.
The real goal is to help you, providing a customized experience as much as possible. Of course, treating each case individually is virtually impossible in the comments of a blog, but based on this limitation we decided that this will be a open section.
That is, even if you see the provisional index at the end of this post, it is not Definitive and is not closed to new topics and questions. Check this blog always, because I have selected for you the main steps to start your life as an entrepreneur.
Let’s start with the basics, the essential aspects that many users often forget, as they are eager to start as soon as possible, it is important to go forward slowly but surely, meaning that it is better to be sure about what are the next steps, you can get many important points for your own strategy, by considering the points we will talk about here.
This will be much more than a section where I write the articles and you read them, the idea is to create an interactive page, an active community. I would like us to be partners, for this new adventure.
I’ll tell you everything I’ve done, what worked as well as strategies that didn’t work for me, all the things I have done to manage my current online business, because now it is my main source of income.
But I need you to commit to participate, implement my recommendations and tell me what you think, if you notice any change or do you want me to focus on the same issue from another perspective, because this way I can help you better to develop your own business.
It is possible to start your online business. You don’t have to go to university first, you don’t need a degree in business, marketing, journalism or any other. You just need to have it very clear, you will have to work hard, you will have to sacrifice your free time. Not only the time, sometimes you need to invest in professional system, platforms, appropriate training, it is necessary if you start your own project without any guide.
So our relationship will be very intense during the time we will be here together. And if I get involved in it 100%, I need an active and committed response on your part. Imagine we are partners, in fact it is exactly what we will be. I need you to appreciate my work so I can evaluate your project and ideas. Do you understand what I am trying to explain?
I will share with you my experiences, not only so that you can try to adapt these strategies to your project, but I will give you the necessary tools so that you can analyze them, test the strategies, so you can start using these ideas and tell me what you think, if these tips worked for you, or how you think it could be adapted to your type of business.
If you don’t get involved and don’t tell me about you and your idea, these posts will be just another series of cold and distant articles, where I write, you read, you leave this blog and don’t feel any motivation to perform and implement the strategies. And that’s not what I want,
I accepted to work in this section because i want to create different contents, not just another series.
I propose that we start to work together, step by step, in a safe manner, with tested tactics that work, but you will have to adapt these tips to your own project. Remember that my online business idea is related to graphic design and online marketing.
The strategies I’m using for my online business could not be the best option for all situations, but the principles are always the same and there are key points which are very important. And if you actively participate in each of our meetings, I can help you to try to find solutions for your ideas, needs, progress and respond to your comments to help you as far as possible.
Here is the index that we prepared for our new section:
1.- The basic steps to becoming an entrepreneur
1.1. the idea: from hobby to business idea.
1.2. Your ideal customer: analysis and location.
1.3. Your Product or Service: What you will offer your customer.
1.4. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
1.5. A business plan created for your project.
2.1. Your Website: selection and customization.
2.2. Your Social Networks: an active community.
2.3. Followers and subscribers: differences.
2.4. Positioning your Website: basics.
2.5. Email Marketing: advantages and disadvantages.
3.1. Freelance and entrepreneur.
3.2. Procedures in Finance and Social Security.
3.3. Minimum budget before starting.
3.4. Basic tax for entrepreneurs.
3.5. Keep your bills organized and on time.
4.1. Register your brand
4.2. On copyright and Internet laws
4.3. Your privacy policy
4.4. Your cookie policy.
4.5. Legal Notices.
5.1. Your Marketing Plan: objectives and challenges.
5.2. Social media campaigns.
5.3. Sales page / landing page.
5.4. Email marketing campaigns.
5.5. Alliances and collaborations.
6.1. Scalable products and services.
6.2. The ideal price.
6.3. Special promo and discounts.
6.4. Your sales funnel.
6.5. Gamification and Transmedia.
7.1. Strengthening ties with other entrepreneurs.
7.2. Your Affiliate Program.
7.3. New troubleshooting strategies.
7.4. Outsourcing and delegation of tasks.
7.5. Increase prices without losing credibility.
Now, here is your first task, to connect with me so that we can start to work together:
Tell me in the comments who you are, what is the idea you want to start working with, what is preventing you from starting or accelerate your project, or what are your doubts about the different topics I just listed here.
I suggest you tell me what you think about each section, if you would like us to talk about other subjects, or a specific strategy, as I will be using your feedback to create these posts.
We may have great guests here occasionally, people who work in all fields: marketing, networking, social media, sales, design, other business people like you.
As you can see, this new section will not be boring. But it doesn’t depend only on my will, 50% of the responsibility for this to work or if we will have to close will depend on your participation.
I would like to ask you to forget the shame and anonymity, leave the “cave” and join us.
If you don’t start working to realize your dream, no one will do it for you. Or maybe yes, maybe someone with a similar idea will decide to create a project before you start your own, and when you see that another person has success with it, you will regret. And you will think: What would have happened if? This feeling is not pleasant, I assure you.
I understand that when you start to search for information about a new project you prefer not to talk about it, you will want to read articles in blogs, absorbing information to understand what are the necessary steps for this to work. But you should know that there are opportunities that happen once in a lifetime. Don’t stay hidden, it will be more difficult to shine, come to join us.
And the most important thing is to share with us your ideas and concerns, there are other people facing the same issues, with the same doubts and we can all work with each other.
Are you ready to start your online project?
Dare, you can be part of this adventure! It is a perfect opportunity to connect with people like you: other people who are also starting their career as an entrepreneur, sharing similar interests.
Please present yourself, share with us in the comments what you think and expect not just about this section, but about your future as an entrepreneur. Don’t be shy, the users who are here, reading these lines are in a situation like yours, they will understand your doubts.
I hope I have convinced you, i hope you are ready to start working, to take your great project and start creating your online business.
So, now tell me who you are, what is your big idea and what you would like to learn from me?