How to easily create a newsletter to increase your sales

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Why use a newsletter as a sales tool? Well, the reality of most companies and entrepreneurs is that they don’t have time to plan complex sales strategies.

This lack of time directly collides with three basic needs of companies:

  • Selling
  • Selling more
  • And selling even more

If a company or entrepreneur doesn’t sell regularly, problems will soon arise. And we aren’t talking just about financial issues; the truth is that the work environment can get worse very quickly when the financial situation is not adequate.

So which solution could you use?

What you probably don’t know is that you could send a newsletter to solve these problems.

Why is a newsletter the perfect tool for companies that want to increase sales?

For starters, working with email marketing is less complicated than you think. There is no technical complexity that makes access difficult for small businesses with fewer resources. You really only need three things:

With these three aspects, you will have everything you need to send a newsletter. From now on, you will only need to make an effort and invest a little time to study and learn to use this new strategy, as with any new project in our lives.

► Certamente o que o preocupa é ter que gastar muito tempo

You are probably worried that you won’t have enough time to work with email marketing.

I’m pretty sure this is one of the factors that most worry many entrepreneurs. And well, sometimes it’s true.

If you are planning an email marketing campaign based on some specific event or circumstance:

  • Sales season, Christmas, Black Friday
  • Launching a new product or service
  • Sales Strategy
  • Etc.

Many people think that they need to spend a lot of time planning, writing the sales texts, and designing the email.

And in the end, it’s true; you will have to dedicate time when working with email marketing, or any other marketing option you decide to use in your sales strategy.

But we won’t be talking about that in this article.

What we are proposing is a simple strategy. You will not send an automated newsletter, but it won’t take more than 5 to 10 minutes every 3 days, that’s all. And with just that small investment in time, you will increase your sales.

You will see how that will be possible.

La verdad verdadera sobre las ventas online

· The Big Truth About Online Sales

The truth is that in 90% of cases if you want to control “when” and “how much” you sell, you will have to “disturb” your contacts.

Yes, we live in an age where we expect inbound strategies to solve everything and customers to buy whenever they want. That way we won’t have to bother them.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t work with inbound strategies; it’s an excellent idea. In fact, we at Mailrelay use this type of strategy.

But you can’t trust it to work in every case.

Sometimes you will have to “disturb” your contacts, don’t see this as something negative, but positive; it is positive for your sales.

We could send a newsletter to start the contact with the customer we are targeting.

The more you contact your customers, the more opportunities you will have to sell

It’s pure statistics. In fact, it’s something you can calculate and see how many interactions you regularly need to get a sale. Using this calculation would help you to establish a pattern between the emails you send and the sales you make.

As a general rule of thumb, the more interactions you have with your prospects, the more sales you will get.

¿Cómo podemos aprovechar la newsletter para aumentar las ventas?

· How can we use the newsletter to increase sales?

Let’s see things step by step.

The first point you shouldn’t ignore is:

► A website

Without a doubt, if you have a business, you almost certainly have a website. This will be the base you will use to work on your emails and your contact list. You don’t have to create a blog or update your site with new content very often.

That would be ideal, as a constantly updated website will help your SEO strategy and attract organic traffic. In addition to that, if you create content regularly, you will have more material to use when you have to send a newsletter. However, for some types of businesses, that is not essential. You can send a sales campaign without adding new content to your website or blog.

On the other hand, it is indispensable to create:

► A subscription form

The opt-in form is indispensable.

If you have a website, creating a subscription form won’t be an issue. Most email marketing tools allow you to create subscription forms that you can insert into your WordPress or website easily.

For example, on our website, we have this form below every post:

The effectiveness of an application form will depend in 100% of cases on two things:

  • The form text is vital to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list.
  • The appearance of the form. In other words, you should work on the visual aspect, such as colors, banners, etc.

The first point is a matter of practice and knowledge of your potential customers, what they need and how you can respond to those needs.

For the second point, you can follow several strategies, such as positioning the form in the best locations on your site or using a popup to highlight the form or lead your visitors to a landing page.

This strategy is very effective, so you could use a popup to drive visitors to a sales page.

On the sales page, you can detail the advantages you offer to your subscribers, include videos if you need to, etc.

If necessary, you can also drive traffic to this page using other strategies, such as social media campaigns, banners, sponsored posts, or even pay to attract traffic, with campaigns on Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

In short, it’s all about getting new contacts, which you’ll add to your existing ones and your existing customers.

And now you will need free email marketing software. Here are some tips for choosing the best email marketing service

In my opinion, if you would like to follow this strategy, you don’t need to look for  difficult-to-use software with several advanced features. All you need is a tool that allows you to send a newsletter, and that’s what most of them are for.

At Mailrelay, for example, we offer a free account, with which if you have less than 20,000 contacts, you don’t need to pay anything:

Translated by Micheli.

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