The definitive tips for creating a content marketing campaign

Mailrelay , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Thinking about your marketing strategy is thinking about the online world. Everything is being created, developed and changed on the internet. Most of the population is already connected, so a large part of the potential customers of any company can be found on the web.

Thanks to the significant evolution in this environment, marketers can develop their strategies and reach visitors more subtly.

For this reason, it is important to develop good online marketing strategies focused on creating content.

As it is said in the marketing world, content is the key to success and the most important factor for attracting customers.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is understood as a strategy used by brands that focus on generating compelling content for their target audience, with the goal of generating positive feedback from users.

This strategy aims to win new customers so that shortly they decide to purchase their products or hire their services.

This strategy is beneficial for any project because you can generate various kinds of content and campaigns on different platforms to reach the target audience quickly. In the next paragraphic we will discover what types of content you could generate.

  1. Blog. It is a platform with great potential to reach new customers for your business. Two eBook.
  2. Write an eBook with an interesting theme for your clients and leave it visible on the website or the blog so they can download it for free. This way, you will be offering added value to the users who visit your platforms.
  3. Newsletter. The perfect travel companion for the updates from your blog. They help you advertise your new content and attract new visitors.
  4. Video. A good video, with high quality and optimized for SEO, with the correct keywords, sometimes works better than a publication.
  5. Infographics and images. Visual content is much more striking than a text. With infographics or images, you will attract your customers with a much more dynamic publication
  6. Webinars. Using that tool, you will be able to offer added value to people who are interested in your brand through alternative content.
  7. Email marketing. You can send your newsletters to potential customers or for those who are already customers. Besides sales emails, you can send valuable information about the industry, about relevant news to your subscribers.


Have you ever wondered why when you browse the internet you always see advertising that relates to your tastes, interests and targeted at your age? Companies do it by targeting, so they can find the best match possible to their products or services. Targeting is one of the most important aspects of any online marketing strategies.

While browsing, you are leaving little clues unknowingly. This means that through settings such as cookies and preferences, the platforms you use can record your interests activities. And that’s why you receive ads related to your searches. These websites do that to make a more efficient impact on the target audience of the company. There are currently three models for targeting.

Targeting types

  1. Placement targeting. The advertiser chooses the websites where he wants to display the online campaigns.
  2. Thematic. In this case, the marketer will select groups of sites that have a topic related to his niche and the platform will display the ads on these sites.
  3. Contextual targeting. In that case, the robots will analyze in detail the topics of each website and will assign a series of keywords. And with this information, the advertiser chooses the keywords he wants to work with. Through this system, the platforms can display ads on sites that contain the selected keywords.

blog profesional

The Importance of Writing on a Professional Blog

Blogs are one of the leading and most influential platforms to establish strong professional relationships and exchange knowledge and opinions with professionals in the industry. Remember that most blogs are considered more influential than social networks.

Despite this, they continue to generate reticence and fears in Internet users who use them to search for information or opinions and advice of other users.

But people who work with marketing know that it is a fundamental channel, as it is a fantastic tool for becoming known in the niche and becoming a specialist and able to influence other users with the articles published.

Reasons why you should write on a blog

If you are thinking of writing a blog, but you don’t know whether or not you should do it, we have prepared a list with the most important reasons to help you see that you must start your blog right now.

  1. Your texts will remain published. Your thoughts or your knowledge never will be lost, as it will be reflected in articles on the internet. Also, that will serve to enrich your knowledge on various topics because sometimes you will have to look for information to complete your posts.
  2. Pass on to others your knowledge. Sharing your wisdom with others and helping to enrich the world will be good not only for other people but you as well. By talking about what you know, you can expand your knowledge or improve your way of writing, or even start rethinking your ideas. For surely, you will find people who don’t think like you, and they could make you see the world from another perspective.
  3. Learning. When writing on a blog, you will take an intensive course and will learn how to communicate better. When writing on an open platform, you will practice and discover your weaknesses and your mistakes, which will help you to improve, with the goal of making your language clearer and professional. Thanks to the continuous search and transformation of information, your brain will be trained to choose more technical words, which will enrich your vocabulary.
  4. You will be updated. At the time of writing a new post, you will research and read a lot about it. And even if you write about a topic that you know deeply about, it is advisable to search for other sources and more information to be well grounded and offer relevant content for your readers. And, thanks to the time you will spend reading, you will be informed about the latest developments in the industry.
  5.  Your readers will get to know you. With a blog, you open a window to the world full of people to whom sooner or later you will have the opportunity to try to convince about the effectiveness of what you are offering. In this way, you can make personal branding with your articles.

Tips for writing your next post

To write an article, you should follow these steps, with them you will be able to create relevant texts for your readers:

  1. Brainstorming. Brainstorming is the best way to find ideas. Get a blank paper and write down everything you think you can address in your next article. Remember that you should write all the ideas, no matter how unlikely or difficult it will be to write about it, because among so many ideas, you probably will find something fascinating for your next post.
  2. Organize the content. Create the text structure, always targeting clarity, defining and separating the bold paragraphs, lists, and phrases you will include. This will help you to write the text faster. Also, it will be easier for the visitors to read it on the page.
  3. Title. This is probably the most important aspect as it is what will catch the attention of the readers. Think very carefully about the title of your article. A good tip is to create multiple titles for your post and choose the one that you think that will have a greater impact.
  4. Highlighted image. Adding an image at the beginning of the post is important because it is the first thing the reader will see and it will be fundamental for the visitors to decide whether they will continue reading the text or not. You can find free images if you can’t pay for a professional picture.
  5. Links. These links serve to complete the information. That way you can create a full text, but not too long. With the links, the readers can find additional information without having to read a huge article.
  6. Plugins. You can install these add-ons on your blog to make your life easier, as there are plugins for various purposes. Also, depending on which plugins you install, the navigation will be much easier and the reader will have several options to read your content.

Both Blogger and WordPress offer several plugins.

Content marketing is a straightforward strategy to apply and with a great potential that you could exploit. You can advertise your content on different platforms, with relevant information for the users who are looking for the products or services you are selling.

Cristina Torres

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