Summer’s on it’s way, so it’s time to get seasonal with your email marketing.
Seasonal email campaigns tap into what your subscribers are thinking about right now, in the present moment. They make your email campaigns feel topical, current, and alive. And they’re a great fall-back when you’re stuck for an idea for your next campaign.
Most importantly, lots of research shows that email campaigns tied to a specific time of year perform better than others. The very best-performing campaigns are linked to shopping seasons like Christmas. But summer is still a time of year when people buy specific products and feel a certain way. Email campaigns that tap into that, at the right time, will perform well.
But as with any kind of campaign, they’re nothing without a powerful subject line. Because without a good subject line, nobody will open them.
So if you’re planning your seasonal summer emails, start here – with some useful inspiration for a scorching campaign.
In of our subject line examples, we’re marketing the mysterious ‘X’. Just imagine your own product or service name in its place.
Call on summer imagery
A great thing about seasonal campaigns is all the familiar imagery you can tap into. For summer, that imagery includes:
> Weather – like sunshine and blue skies
> Activities – like vacations/holidays, going to the beach, swimming, and summer sports
> Clothing – like sunglasses, T-shirts, shorts and summer dresses
> Heat and all of its associated ideas – like hotting up, needing to cool down
When you use this imagery in your email campaign’s subject lines, your subscribers know straight away you’ve got something summery going on. And if they’re already thinking about summer, they’re going to want to know more.
Turn up the heat – in lots of different ways
Summer is synonymous with heat. And ‘hot’ is a powerful way to describe your products and offers.
The great thing about heat is that it can lend many different characteristics to your campaign, depending on which heat-related words you use. Associations with heat can give your offering energy, momentum, or sexiness.
It can even lend a hint of danger or edginess. Consider adjectives like hot, fiery, blistering, sizzling, burning or scorching.
Or heat can evoke a lazy summer’s day with adjectives like sunny, warm, or balmy.
There are lots of different words for heat. Try them out in your summer subject lines, and see what effects you can create!
Offer your readers a respite
We all love the warm summer weather, until the heat gets too much. In really hot places like Spain, the southern USA, or Australia, people don’t always look forward to being in the sunshine. A lot of the time, they need a way to escape the heat!
Even in cooler places like the UK, a short heat wave can leave people desperate to cool down. The Brits just aren’t cut out for hot weather!
This gives you a great angle for your summer email marketing subject lines. Consider offering to help your subscribers:
> Cool off this summer…
> Turn down summer heat…
> Beat the summer heat…
> The best way to chill this summer is…
> Don’t sweat summer heat…
If your readers are sweltering in the summer sun, they’ll definitely relate to your subject line.
Alliterate with the ‘S’ in Summer
You probably already know that alliteration is where you create a catchy phrase using two or more words that start with the same letter. Since ‘summer’ starts with S, one of the most common and satisfying sounds in the English language, it’s a great word to alliterate with.
Here are some typical examples to start you off:
> Summer Special
> Savings for summer
> Super summertime deal
> Be stylish this summer
One word about alliteration with the word summer – it’s been done, lots of times. You’ll have to think long and hard to come up with a phrase your subscribers have never seen before!
Make the most of summer – before, during and after
Summer lasts quite a long time. A whole quarter of the year, in fact. If you have seasonal summer products to market, you need a few different angles on summer so you don’t end up repeating yourself.
A handy way to do this is to run different summer campaigns before, during and after the season.
Your ‘before’ campaign subject lines can anticipate summer and help subscribers be ready. Consider phrases like:
> Get ready for summer with…
> Are you set for summer?
> Summer’s coming – don’t forget…
Your ‘during’ campaign can announce summer, or just adopt the mood of the season. Try phrases like:
> Summer’s here
> Make the most of summer with…
> Are you feeling summery?
Finally, an ‘after’ campaign can anticipate the end of summer. It could urge people to make the most of the summer before it’s too late, promote an end-of-summer special offer, or introduce fall/autumn products. Use phrases like:
> Summer’s almost over – don’t miss…
> There’s still time for X this summer
> Summer’s cooling down. Are you ready for fall?
Tap into popular culture
Finally, summer isn’t just a popular theme in email marketing. There are countless summer-themed songs, movies, books and other bits of culture too. When you use cultural references that your subscribers recognise and relate to, you can strengthen your connection with them.
Some song and movie titles you could reference in your subject lines include:
> “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles
> “Summertime Blues” by Eddie Cochrane
> “(Love is Like a) Heat Wave” by Martha Reeves and The Vandellas
> (500) Days of Summer (2009 movie)
> The Long, Hot Summer (1958 movie)
> A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
There are many more. Find one that fits with your subscribers and your campaign offering, and riff on it to create some fun summer subject lines.
That’s what this season should be about after all – fun. Good luck with your summer email campaigns.