Ready to use email marketing templates and free sales funnels for copywriting

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Selling by email is more effective if you send your sales campaigns at least once a week with a specific frequency. If writing an email is something that is difficult for you, in this post, I will share copy templates ready to use and strategies for you to sell more so that you can have […]

5 email marketing templates inspired by examples created by top startups

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

“Come on, it’s time to get to work,” you say to yourself. And you sit in front of your computer, focused and determined to prepare your next email marketing campaign. You want to create a direct and persuasive message. And launch an email marketing campaign that will either strengthen your relationship with your customers or […]

Email marketing 20 key statistics

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

A lot is said and written about email marketing and its advantages. And more than once, you may have asked yourself, “how much of that is true? We know you will agree with this phrase: My time and budget are limited. So it’s logical that you want to be sure that email marketing works and […]

What is email marketing?

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Are you a freelancer looking for clients? Are you in charge of creating marketing strategies for a new project?  Do you have a business and want to make it grow? If your answer is yes – to any of these questions – then you have a message to tell, and an audience to reach! You […]

Free email marketing software comparison: Mailrelay vs. Sendinblue vs. Mailchimp

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Do you need to send a newsletter? Are you looking for an email marketing software with a free account? You can find many email marketing services, several with options that will allow you to send a newsletter for free. Ok, but are they similar? Which is the best software for your needs? You may believe […]

How to get followers on Instagram and improve your personal or corporate brand?

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Instagram is one of the main social media platforms we have today and, little by little is having more and more impact on digital strategies, to the point that it is not surprising to see stores that sell exclusively through this platform. But, as in all social media, followers play a crucial role, and that’s […]

Sustainable business ideas that could help you to improve your online sales

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Sustainable businesses are those in which everyone wins, the entrepreneur as well as consumers and the general public. On the one hand, through the products and services they offer, they help others solve a problem, satisfy a need, fulfill a desire, or improve their lives somehow. On the other hand, sustainable, green companies improve the […]

How to get positive results with mobile marketing

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Mobile marketing is gaining ground in the world of digital advertising, and this is mainly due to the increase in the number of smartphones worldwide. In Spain, the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) reported that at the beginning of the year, there were 53.4 million mobile phone lines in Spain. This […]

Is Email Marketing and Word of Mouth incompatible?

Micheli , Invited guest @ Mailrelay

Do you think these strategies are different? Is email marketing and word-of-mouth marketing compatible? Is there any way to make the two strategies compatible? Well, the thing is, I just finished reading the book “Buzz marketing. The Power of the Word” by Andy Sernovitz and this work helped me to think about aspects that can […]