Sending a newsletter, creating an autoresponder, adding a subscription form on your blog or website is relatively easy.
There are thousands of tutorials and articles explaining in detail each of these tasks and more, but this will not help you to create a successful email marketing strategy.
Doing these little tasks without having a strategy behind is the shorter path to frustration, because you probably will not see results in your email marketing.
Everything you do has to have a reason and be in line with your email marketing strategy. In the future, we can see in depth the creation of email marketing strategies, but we can start with something very important.
In this article, I would like to focus on the basis of any email Marketing strategy: The types of Email You Can Send to Your Subscribers and the goals for each of them.
Throughout the article, you will know:
- What are the types of emails.
- What is the purpose of each of these emails.
- What is the ultimate goal of any email marketing strategy that you can’t forget and what types of emails are used for each strategy.
- The perfect mixture of types of emails that you should send for creating a good email marketing strategy
- Examples of subtypes within each type of email.
Are you interested? Well, let’s get started.
When you want to create an email marketing strategy, the most important factor to consider is the type of emails you will send. Because depending on how your emails are created, you may or may not succeed in your email marketing strategy.
When you create an email marketing strategy, you will want to get one or more of these 3 goals:
- Increase your authority.
- Connect with your customers.
- Improve your sales.
And how can we achieve these goals through an email marketing strategy? With the three types of emails that exist in email Marketing.
- Emails to add value.
- Emails to improve trust.
- Emails to sell.
Yes, even though it seems very simple, there are no other types of emails besides the three ones listed in this article. Each serves a purpose in your email marketing strategy.
- Emails sent to add value, help to increase your authority.
- Emails sent to improve trusts, help to connect with your customers.
- Emails sent to sell, will help improve your sales.
All emails that you send to your subscriber list will be of one of these types and will be used to fulfill the purpose that you planned for the campaign. Obviously, you can mix multiple types in just an email.
For example, you can send an email that is created to add value and sell. However, the newsletter will always have a main goal.
I left out of this list of email types the welcome newsletter. This is a very special message that you should always send to your new subscribers.
In the welcome email, you will send your subscriber the lead magnet that you prepared for the new users, in addition to explaining the frequency of newsletters that he or she will receive, as well as the type of content you will usually send. It’s a welcome email to your reader, so you can introduce yourself to this new subscriber.
We can say that this email is focused on creating confidence, but I’d rather highlight this message because of its importance.
Anyway, it’s an email that is sent only once, so as long as you know it is an important email and it should be sent, you no longer have to worry about this message.
We’ve already talked about several goals in your strategy, but in reality there is a goal that all companies want to achieve, otherwise it would not be a company, and this goal is above all others. And it’s a goal we should never lose sight of.
Keep reading and I’ll explain (though as you are a smart person, I’m sure you already suspect it, right? ;))
The primary goal of any email marketing strategy
It is clear that the ultimate goal of anyone, whether a professional blogger or a small business owner is to sell. Otherwise, you will not be able to pay your bills and your business will go bankrupt. There is no escaping it.
But to sell, you should not only send sales emails, one after other. If you do this, I guarantee that all you will manage is to see how your subscribers will unsubscribe from your newsletter in a short time, in addition to the fact that this will damage your reputation, as many users will mark your emails as spam. This is one of the main mistakes that many users make.
To sell, you first need two things:
- To demonstrate your authority. You need to demonstrate to your subscribers that you know what you are talking about and you can solve their problems with your products and services.
- To create a relationship of trust. Remember that no one buys a product or service without trust, but most people will purchase from someone they can trust. If the user doesn’t trust in you, you can create the best product or service, but you will not be able to sell anything.
So, you need to establish the emails you are sending, to create a successful email marketing strategy by blending correctly the 3 different types of email marketing.
And this is what I intend to explain in the next section of the article.
The perfect balance between emails to add value, emails to build trust and sales email
There is no perfect balance or rule written in stone that you should always apply in the relationship between email types, but you can Use 2 scales to guide you:
- Pareto can help you: I’m sure you know the Pareto law, right? You know, the one that says 80% of profit comes from 20% of customers or 80% of your most important tasks are done during 20% of your working day.
Well, according to Pareto, a good balance would be 4 emails to add value and increase trust for each email sent to sell a product.
- Don’t start selling immediately: When a new subscriber decides to register on your mailing list, the first thing you should worry about is showing how you can help this user, so that he can trust you. You should not try to sell. A common mistake is to start trying to sell very early.
So, considering these scales I recommend 5 emails to add value, 2 emails to increase subscriber confidence, and a sales email.
Have you noticed that most bloggers, when they create a mini free course as an incentive to get subscribers, they create 5 lessons?
No need to send the 5 emails to add value in sequence, sending the two to create a trusted relationship only after the first series of messages, it is actually better to merge these emails correctly. The only recommendation, is to always send the sales email last.
So with these tips, you can start creating a good email marketing strategy with a good sequence of messages for your subscribers following this recommendation:
- A welcome email.
- 5 emails to add value.
- 2 emails to build trust.
- A sales email.
Obviously, this is not a static rule. Depending on the type of business with which you work and how is your ideal customer, it is perfectly possible that you will have to change these numbers. But it may well serve to get you started and after analyzing the statistics, seeing the results of each email, you can change your strategy.
Before finalizing, I would like to comment on some subtypes within each Type of email. There are many more subtypes besides the ones, But to start and give you ideas, these examples can be very useful.
E-mails to add value
Emails to add value are important to increase your authority. With them, your subscribers will become customers, because and you will demonstrate that you have sufficient knowledge and products to help solve their problems.
5 types of emails to add value
> A list
A list of tools, resources, books or anything that helps your subscribers. Lists such as articles from a blog, work particularly well in terms of open rates.
>Case Study
In this type of email, you will analyze in detail a case of real success and, mainly, you will explain in detail the steps taken to achieve these results.
>Divided into parts
You would divide a certain subject into several emails that you would send each day or each few days to your subscribers. For example, the mini course with 5 lessons that many bloggers offer as an incentive for users who sign up for the mailing list.
> Problem/Solution structure
A simple email. First you send a message presenting a problem, it ideally should be something your subscriber might be facing, and after explaining it, you will explain the solution.
This works great when you want to “heat up” the list before send an email featuring a new product or service.
> Disinterested
It is an email where you share with your subscribers any kind of valuable and useful content (Articles, videos) even from other websites or blogs, even from your competitors.
Emails to improve trust
These emails are focused on building a relationship of trust with your subscribers. Remember, that people will buy “you” first and after that the products / services that you sell.
Without trust, it is very difficult to succeed in your online business.
5 types of emails to improve trust
>About Me
An email that you should send. In this email you explain your story, your values, why you do what you do and how you can help your Subscribers. It’s a “About me” typical of a blog, but in an email. The goal is for subscribers to get to know you. Note that if you do this Well, this is an email where you will have users requesting to unsubscribe, since there will be subscribers who don’t connect with you and prefer not to receive more newsletters.
>Main problem
Another email that works very well. Usually, this is a very short email in which you will ask your subscribers what is their main problem, related to your niche, so you can help them. For this to work, you should respond 100% of the emails, trying to help each user individually, to solve their problem.
> Congratulations
Congratulate your subscribers on Christmas, birthdays, important holidays, etc. The cost in terms of time is low and this is a great way to show them that you don’t just want to sell.
>How do you spend your leisure time
A great way to connect with your subscribers is to talk about your hobbies, you don’t have to be talking all the time about work. Ideally, you should try to relate your hobby with some important information, etc. So you get a 2 per 1. You’ll be taking advantage to boost confidence and add value in the same message.
>The pros and cons of your business
An email where you tell your subscribers how you’ve created your last Course or how you do something specific about your work that can be important as information for your readers. Have you seen that many bloggers publish once a month on their Blog A report on the evolution of their business? It would be a great idea to send this information exclusively to your subscribers only.
Emails to sell
They are emails with a single objective: to sell: In any business it is necessary to sell, if you don’t sell anything, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby.
3 types of emails to sell
>Sales Emails
A basic sales email. In it, you present to your subscriber your products and services with some clues, encouraging him to visit your sales page. One point to note is that in an email, you really will not sell your product / service, but “sell” a click. Which means that you need your subscriber to click on the link to access the sales page, which is where he will effectively buy your product.
It is an ideal newsletter to “wake up” your list and announce that you are launching a new product or service. This campaign can also serve to get useful information and improve your offer.
>To target
It is an email that is used to group your subscribers based on interests or other important aspect. After that, you can send them special messages according to their needs and / or interests.
In short
Knowing what types of emails and what is the main purpose of each will help create an email marketing strategy with which you can get the results you want. If you have a business, you will always be selling, don’t forget that you have to pay the bills every month.
So that you can remember everything that we explained in the article, I will give you a summary of the main points.
There are 3 types of emails:
- Emails to add value.
- Emails to build relationships.
- Emails to sell products or offer services.
And their goals, respectively, are:
- To increase your authority.
- To connect with your customers.
- An email to sell.
Although the ultimate goal of any business is to sell. If not, you know, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby.
A good email marketing strategy can have this sequence of messages to your subscribers:
- A welcome email.
- 5 emails to add value.
- 2 emails to build relationships.
- A sales email.
And the top three email types have multiple subtypes, some examples are:
- Emails to add value
- A list.
- Case study.
- Divided into parts.
- Problem/solution structure.
- Uninterested.
- Uninterested.
- .About Me
- Main problem.
- Congratulations.
- How do you spend your leisure time.
- The pros and cons of your business
- Emails to sell
- Sales Emails
- Prelaunch
- To target.
I hope you liked the article. It can serve as a good source for you to start preparing your own email marketing strategy.